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District Court Fee Schedule


Effective 9/1/2015 Filing Fees for all new civil and family cases and some other actions increased by $10.00.  The new rates are reflected in the chart below:


Basic Filing Fees
Divorce 278.00
Civil 272.00
Other Family 262.00
Jury Fee 30.00
Contempt 76.00
Intervention 76.00
3rd Party Petition 76.00
Counterclaim 76.00
New Trial 76.00
Cross Action 76.00
By Mail 80.00
Citations, TRO, Notice, Precepts 80.00
All Writs 250.00
Family Fees
Motions, contempt, Modify,
Enforcement, Transfer
Request to Modify or Terminate Withholding 16.00
Protective Order (assessed against respondent only) 262.00
Plus Application Fee 16.00